Register your business in Georgia 

What does it mean to register your business?

An entity that is created in Georgia and takes a form of a corporation, LLC, or a partnership. We help you select the one that best fits your business model.

What do I need?

We will need the following information to Create your company in the state of georgia
Desired name of your company
Your name and address 
What type of work you do
A form of payment (cash, card, or business check)

What are the rates of your services?

Our rates are discounted when you have another current policy with us. Contact us for more information.

Benefits of creating an LLC

An LLC separates your business from your personal identity. When someone sues your LLC, they’re suing your company—not you. Banks and plaintiffs might be able to claim your business assets, but they (usually) won’t be able to touch your personal belongings. That means your house, car, and savings account are safe

How long does the process take?

Regular processing  by the IRS can take up to 15 business days days- Rushed service takes 2-3 business days for an extra fee.

How do I start?

Call us today!

Contact me

If you need more information about this process, please send us a message and we will contact you.

Did you know..
We can also help you register a company in another state! Reach out to us today!

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