Additional Business Policies Available for you

Professional Liability

Covers your business in case of negligence from your part. It will also pay for defense costs and damages- and it also includes coverage rom claims arising from services from the past

Business Owners

This policy is a combination of General Liability and Business Equipment ( such as your computer).
Also covers any damage to your office building from fire and vandalism. Bodily Injury and medical expenses incurred by someone not part of your business

Cyber Security

Lost business revenue due to a breach. Covers money lost due to a fraudulent instruction by a third party- and it also includes coverage for defense agains privacy lawsuits and regulatory fines. 
* Recommended for businesses who accept credit cards.


This policy increases your policy limits above your current limits. It set in place to protect you against excessive liability claims. 

Do you have questions?

If you would like to know what policies your business needs to stay complaint with guidelines please e-mail us your business description and we will let you know which policies are right for you.

Our team will e-mail you with a quote for you to keep.

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