Delivery Companies
Appliance/Furniture/General Freight

All transportation companies require insurance coverage. If you deliver food, appliances or freight and wether you deliver within state lines or cross to neighboring states, we are here for you! Let us help you insure your delivery business with these three common policies. All policies are financed with our carriers and we offer low down options.

General Liability

Liability to cover the work you do

Multiple carriers to select and obtain low rates with!

Workers Compensation

Coverage for you and your workers
(employees or 1099s)

Finance your Workers Comp with us

Commercial Auto

For your owned truck or rented/leased

We insure any vehicle, owned or hired.

Higher Limits of Liability

$1,000,000 limits available

Higher limits of liability to ensure you are properly insured in case of a claim

Cargo Coverage

Add your cargo with your auto insurance

We include cargo coverage with your commercial auto insurance. Choose your limits and deductible.

Additional Insured / Additional Waivers

Have a contract?

Waiver of Subrogation, Primary and non-contributory endorsements included in your policy.

STOP here for help!

We want to speak with you! Call or E-mail us and we will be able to help you decide which coverage is best for your business. 

Commercial Policies do not need to be expensive, we will obtain a coverage that fits your needs at an affordable price. 

Compare your  current premium with ours TODAY!