Auto Insurance in Georgia

What limits are required? How to be in compliance?

The minimum limits of liability you must carry on your auto insurance policy is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per incident and property damage liability - $25,000 per incident. Currently these are the requirements in the state of Georgia- always ask your agent if you would benefit from increasing limits of liability on your auto policy.

What is collision and comprehensive coverage?

Collision coverage is for your vehicle in case you hit another vehicle or object. It pays up to the coverage limit and is usually required when financing a vehicle.
Comprehensive coverage covers your vehicle for incidents other than collision- for example, theft, vandalism and hail damage. Interesting fact- if you hit a deer- is considered a comprehensive claim!

What is Uninsured Motorist? Do I need it?

Uninsured motorist coverage would pay for damages to your vehicle if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident or if someone hits you and they do not carry insurance. Uninsured motorist offers bodily injury coverage as well. It is always recommended to keep uninsured motorist in your policy.

What is medical payments coverage? 

Medical payments cover hospital and funeral costs if you and/or your passenger are injured or killed - regardless of fault.  Adding med-pay to your policy can highly benefit you and your passengers at the time of an accident- always ask your agent to include it in your policy!

Do I need a GA license to purchase auto insurance?

At Victoria Insurance Agency- we accept in state license, out of state license and international license. 

I have an accident or tickets- Can I be insured?

Our carriers will not deny insurance if you have less than 10 points on your license. So, one accident or a few tickets will still qualify you for auto insurance at our agency.

What is the difference between personal vs commercial auto insurance?

It is important that you are covered under the right policy- failure to do so may result in your insurance carrier denying any insurance claim. Click here to read more.

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